Devlog #04 - Where have you been?
The story so far
Man, I had a couple of busy months! August was all about exams at university, but fortunately everything went really well. I'm far from any "danger zone" and that's a great feeling. In September I finally had my well deserved rest, enjoying my life, only casually working on the engine. A cute little kitty joined us and now inhabits our dev-cave. Good times!LudumDare
At the same time the new semester started, putting some short but important courses right at the beginning in all its group-work glory. But overall it was nice even though it conflicted with the jam and stressed me out at times.
Just for funsies we also uploaded a small prototype game we threw together one afternoon for a university course. Coincidentally it matched the theme quite well and wow. We even reached place 166 of 234. It's about a frog jumping from left to the right, play it if you want, but beware, it's a bit difficult.
And last but not least we attended ANOTHER game jam in December. And this time for real, no online event. We even got free pizza and all. This time I didn't code anything. I would have, but people were afraid of my C++ stuff and we already had three Unity-devs, so me and my partner dealt with our main character in Blender. We weren't quite as eager as last time (which ended in a desaster anyway), tried to enjoy all talks and event aspects and focused on having fun while getting our stuff done in time. It worked, we got a lot of praise and that especially for our character which astonished us greatly. A mix of 2D and 3D artwork apparently doesn't have to end up in the uncanny valley, contrary to the opinion of one of our team members. We won third place out of somewhat fifteen groups or so. That was great! Try it yourself if you want!So yeah. Then was Christmas time, I got a new computer funded by my partner which was really really nice. And now it's time to get back on track. Do some stuff for the upcoming exams in February. Finish the last group work until the end of January. Make some other games. Survive. That's it!
What about the Salmon?
Lots. And I mean like, really a lot. I somewhat wrote as much code as I wrote the whole last year(s). I try to keep it short with a changelog-esque bullet list.
- Text generation and rendering
- Actor rotation
- Actor spawning
- Support for mouse motion, click, drag, etc.
- Support for touch as mouse input
- Better setting of animation states
- Add a colorful logger with timestamp and priority
- JPG and TIF support
- Way easier more robust and simply better key input handling
- Easy injection of variables into actors from tiled editor
- "Library version" of the engine (super useful, will be used instead of event system)
- MP3 and FLAC support
- Optional preloading of textures, sound and music.
- Actor resize including its hitboxes
- Gamepad support which works the same as if a key is pressed
- Clean up LOTS of ugly code
- Fix LOTS of ugly bugs
- Lots and lots of other small features and fixes I simply forgot
I hope you enjoyed this post, see ya!
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